Long ago, when dragons that spit lasers roamed the lands, Steve Perry rode pterodactyls made of knives through righteous lightning storms, and Nebraska wasn’t a laughable football program, two brothers were immaculately conceived in an 81 Datsun in the shadow of Sanford Stadium with one destiny: to return football commentary to its old form; obsessive, cruel, full of errors, and substance abuse and dick jokes. And there's John who's a Miami fan, so we were surprised he could even spell.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Alamo Bowl - FJ

It's gonna be a long day...sigh.

Spread is just too damn high, I'm puttin 40 on the Iowa Cover.

20 on the under.

Chick-Fil-A Bowl

I'm with the Virus

70 on the over.

I'm not feelin' too good about this weekend. Someone get me a drink and a couple quarter pounders.


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