Motor City Bowl Picks - Football Jaheezy
Well the Virus caught on to my attempts to take an unfair advantage in this one. Not that it would have been that much of an advantage. Cut me some slack, I'm dyin here. Anyway, I'm not ready to slap credits down for the FSU/UCLA match-up just yet, but I am willing to drop a dime or two on the bowl we got brewin' right now. The Money Line is way too rich for my blood and the Under has been good to me thus far so I think I'm going to have to mimic the win-master-general here and throw my pick to the Central Michigan...Chippewas is it? God who cares. here we go.
I'm droppin' a cool 70 on the Michiganites of Centralonia to cover their spread
and I'm droppin a big fat 50 on the Under.
Now I'm well aware that I don't stand a chance betting below the almight Virus here but at the moment, I'm unable to muster the motivation to even research any of these bare-bleacher bowls so trust me, the big chips will be droppin' soon. I'll have my Emerald Bowl (Did you know that Baghdad is called the Emerald City? I get drunk and watch Fox News...fuck's way better than extreme sports.) tommorrow. Love and Kisses!
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