Long ago, when dragons that spit lasers roamed the lands, Steve Perry rode pterodactyls made of knives through righteous lightning storms, and Nebraska wasn’t a laughable football program, two brothers were immaculately conceived in an 81 Datsun in the shadow of Sanford Stadium with one destiny: to return football commentary to its old form; obsessive, cruel, full of errors, and substance abuse and dick jokes. And there's John who's a Miami fan, so we were surprised he could even spell.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hawaii Bowl Picks - Football Jesus

Merry Christmas fellow worthless bastards out there. I don't know about you but nothing says noel and feliz navidad to me like watching a shirtless man wave around a spear in full hawaii'an warrior get up. Man I'm giddy just thinking about it. Now I'd like to tell you guys the wrap up after last nights matches but honestly, I suck at math and I aint pickin it up for my new year's resolution either so you'll just have to wait till the wiz-kid Virus gets back to see concretely what we already know, I suck at betting, and Rob apparently has a crystal ball...or crystal meth...something. Anyway. I got nothing to lose here and oh so much to gain. So on the eve of baby Jesus' birthday, it's only fitting that I do a little good ol-fashioned desperation gambling.

I want 60 on the Hawaii cover

and I wants me 80 on the under

God Help us....every one.


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